Jasmine Hardesty
Instructional Leadership Coach
As a coach for the Leap program, Jasmine coaches partners to support their implementation of our middle school math curriculum.
Previously, Jasmine served the role of vice principal at one the largest independently operated free public charter school’s located in Newark, NJ. In addition to her school based administrative role Jasmine also served as a Navigator MS Math Partner Lead for the 2021-2022 school year driving district wide program implementation and instructional coaching. During her tenure as an administrator Jasmine has been recognized for her transformational work with teacher development that led to significant student academic growth in mathematics.
Prior to becoming a school leader Jasmine worked as an elementary teacher, grade band leader, and summer school K-8 math coach. During her final year as a teacher over 80% of her scholars scored proficient on the NJ State Math Assessment, with one scholar receiving a perfect score. Jasmine began her career as a Teach For America Corps member (Greater Newark, ‘13) as a second grade teacher.