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Access our free digital curriculum by logging in with the button in the top right of our website.

If you'd like to buy hard copies of our curriclum, fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.

NOTE: Pricing varies based on order quantity. Once you submit your order, we will follow up with specific cost and shipping costs. 

OPTION 1: Student Workbooks 

These workbooks contain the student work for each lesson organized by unit.


Grades: K-8

Cost: $45 per student + shipping

Recommended: 1 bundle per student (bundle includes all workbooks for all units) 

Sample: Grade 3 Unit 1 & 2

Kindergarten Workbooks

1st Grade Workbooks

2nd Grade Workbooks

3rd Grade Workbooks

4th Grade Workbooks

5th Grade Workbooks

6th Grade Workbooks

7th Grade Workbooks

8th Grade Workbooks

OPTION 3: Implementation Guides 

Broader programmatic information about the holistic Leap Mathematics program and curriculum. It also provides an overview of the scope of learning for the grade across each unit.


Grades: K-8

Cost: $50 per teacher + shipping

Recommended: 1 per teacher

Sample: Grade 3

Kindergarten Guides

1st Grade Guides

2nd Grade Guides

3rd Grade Guides

4th Grade Guides

5th Grade Guides

6th Grade Guides

7th Grade Guides

8th Grade Guides

OPTION 2: Practice Workbooks 

Approximately 100 pages of standards-based practice problems for grades K-4.


Grades: K-4

Cost: $10 per student + shipping

Recommended: Optional 1 per student 

Sample: Grade 1

Kindergarten Workbooks

1st Grade Workbooks

2nd Grade Workbooks

3rd Grade Workbooks

4th Grade Workbooks

OPTION 4: Teacher Guides 

Unit Overview content and resources, pre- and post-unit assessments, daily lesson resources with embedded answer keys for student work, and needed print materials  for each lesson. (One for each unit.


Grades: K-8

Cost: $675 per teacher + shipping

Recommended: 1 bundle per teacher (bundle includes all Teacher Guides for all units in the grade) 

Sample: Grade 2 Unit 8

Kindergarten Guides

1st Grade Guides

2nd Grade Guides

3rd Grade Guides

4th Grade Guides

5th Grade Guides

6th Grade Guides

7th Grade Guides

8th Grade Guides

Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.

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