OPTION 1: Student Workbooks
These workbooks contain the student work for each lesson organized by unit.
Grades: K-8
Cost: $45 per student + shipping
Recommended: 1 bundle per student (bundle includes all workbooks for all units)
Sample: Grade 3 Unit 1 & 2
OPTION 3: Implementation Guides
Broader programmatic information about the holistic Leap Mathematics program and curriculum. It also provides an overview of the scope of learning for the grade across each unit.
Grades: K-8
Cost: $50 per teacher + shipping
Recommended: 1 per teacher
Sample: Grade 3
OPTION 2: Practice Workbooks
Approximately 100 pages of standards-based practice problems for grades K-4.
Grades: K-4
Cost: $10 per student + shipping
Recommended: Optional 1 per student
Sample: Grade 1
OPTION 4: Teacher Guides
Unit Overview content and resources, pre- and post-unit assessments, daily lesson resources with embedded answer keys for student work, and needed print materials for each lesson. (One for each unit.
Grades: K-8
Cost: $675 per teacher + shipping
Recommended: 1 bundle per teacher (bundle includes all Teacher Guides for all units in the grade)
Sample: Grade 2 Unit 8
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